
Children’s Ministries

Weekly worship is vibrant part of our children’s ministries. Children are welcome in worship at all times, and we seek to include them in worship leadership regularly. We know they learn by being in worship (even if they don’t understand everything being said or happening around them). We also know that their gifts (their energy, questions, wonder, and more) are gifts from God meant to help us all grow in faith.

Regularly, we include in worship a “Time for Young Disciples,” which utilizes a child-focused format to challenge worshippers of all ages to explore their faith and commit to sharing God’s love and following Christ in their daily living.

We also know that sometimes kiddos need something extra to keep them engaged and/or extra space to move, explore, and play, as God intends them to do! Accordingly, we provide the following resources to support children and families during worship:

  • worship activity bags (“Church Mouse” Bags) which are available in the main entry hallway;
  • a children’s play area in the Library, which is separated from the sanctuary by floor-to-ceiling windows, with sound piped into the room;


  • a nursery for young children at the end of the west hallway of the church.
children's ministry
child care
playing music together

Our nursery for young children is staffed during worship and most adult education events following worship and available for families to use at any time. Toys for children birth through age 5 offer children an opportunity to explore and play freely. There is a bathroom off the nursery with a diaper changing station (including an assortment of spare diapers).

We provide child-focused learning experiences for children in pre-K through elementary school in a multi-age format. Children learn Bible stories through art, play, music, and more seeking to apply lesson from the Bible to their daily lives! Volunteer teachers from the congregation bring their many talents to nurture children in God’s love and Christian faith.

Currently, children’s class meet the final two Sundays of the month (September through April) during the later part of our worship hour. Children are invited to stay for worship in the sanctuary or depart worship for children’s class following the portion of worship called Time for Young Disciples.

In the summer months, we partner with Mt. Zion Lutheran Church and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church to host Vacation Bible School for preschool and elementary school students. Children spend a week exploring God’s love and Jesus’ example for our lives through song, play, dance, crafts, and fun!

Children also enjoy God’s creation on our playground whenever the weather allows!

Learn more about current and upcoming children’s and intergenerational events on our events page.