Buy Nothing Yard “Sale”-Everything is free!
All are welcome at this free yard “sale”, where everything, including refreshments are free.
Help us spread the word by sharing our Facebook event (https://fb.me/e/1OkJXhr9k) with interested local friends/ neighbors.
To welcome the community, we need several volunteers. Sign-up to volunteer>>
Bring your stuff to give away for free, and/or come to see what you can take and re-use for free.
First Presbyterian Church will provide free coffee, breakfast treats (while supplies last), and a water refill station.
Come for the entire time…or part of the time…whatever you prefer.
If the items you brought have not been claimed by others and you are ready to leave, you must take unclaimed items with you. (Exception: we’ll have donation boxes for gently used adult clothes (which will be donated to our mission partner Our Neighbor’s Place in River Falls) and for gently used children’s clothing (which will be donated to Second Chances in River Falls).
When you arrive, if you have items to share, we’ll direct you to the center of the parking lot where you can unload items out of the back of your car. You can place them on the pavement, bring your own table, and/or we’ll have some tables available to display items. We’ll direct incoming/ outcoming car traffic around the outside of the parking lot to help keep “shoppers” safe.
If you are wondering—why is a church family hosting this? First—great question! Second—Because the spirit of Buy Nothing fits so well with our values. Christ teaches us to take care of one another and share what we have with others so that all have what they need to thrive. And God teaches us to care for all God has created—so helping keep stuff out of landfills and encouraging creative re-use is one way that we can help care for creation! Plus, we have a central location, and God wants us to share our resources and use our space to gather the community for positive change…so how could we not take the opportunity to further facilitate the great work of so many who have supported the Buy Nothing movement locally!