Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

All are welcome at 5pm, (special extended gathering music begins at 4:45pm), as we celebrate in sacred words, songs, and candlelight God’s dream for the world made new through the gift of the Christ Child!

We welcome all for worship in the sanctuary or on Zoom.

Those who prefer to worship remotely may join us via Zoom (online or via phone). View detailed instructions on how to worship via Zoom. If you will be worshiping with us on Zoom, consider the following in preparation for worship:

  • We will open the “virtual” doors for worship (i.e. we’ll let people in from the waiting room) beginning at 4:45pm when our gathering music begins.
  • If you will only have audio, we encourage you to keep a copy of the order of service handy (linked to our homepage), so that you will have the words for unison prayers and hymns.
  • Email Pastor Kendra (kendra.grams@fpchudson.net) your prayers of joy and concern by 4pm on Christmas Eve (or enter them in the Zoom chat during worship) for inclusion in our shared prayers.
  • As desired, have a candle (and way to light the candle) available for each person to participate in the sharing of Christ’s light at the conclusion of worship.


Dec 24 2023


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm