COVID-19 Precautions Info & Listening Session
The Session (church board) met Tuesday, Sept. 21, and discussed a number of topics, including questions and concerns about our current COVID-19 precautions raised by members of our church family. We take your questions and concerns seriously.
Accordingly, embracing our core value of open and respectful communication the Session will host a:
following worship on Sunday, Oct. 3
(beginning at approximately 10:30am)
on Zoom (using the same Zoom link as worship,
Meeting ID: 266 066 994).
At this time, members of the Session and Pandemic Response Task Force will give further info on some of the key considerations which we have taken into account in setting current COVID-19 precautions.
There will also be time for members of our family of faith to ask questions and lift up concerns, as together we seek creative solutions to care for the physical, spiritual, social and emotional needs of our family of faith and our neighbors near and far.
If you are unable to attend on October 3, please reach out to any member of the Session for further conversation.
The pandemic has brought loss and trauma to us all. As we navigate its ongoing impacts, we continue to lean into God’s love, Christ’s example, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In Christ,
First Presbyterian Church Session
Laura Arthur
John DeGraff
Gary Griswold
Kay Harkcom
Bill McClure
Jean Nelsen
Kate Olson
Gay Ward
Ken Wooley
Pastor Kendra Grams
Clerk of Session Elaine Faber