Creation Care Ideas Swap & Up-Cycled Crafting
All are welcome following our Creation Care Worship service to share ideas on what you have found helpful in taking small (or BIG) steps to care for Earth (God’s creation)! Have a favorite no-waste option you use at home? Bring it to show others! Found a great place to recycle something that is hard to recycle? Come and tell us about it! Pastor Kendra will be going around doing mini-interviews (with all willing) to share your ideas with our wider family of faith and community! (If you can’t make it to this event, but still have ideas to share with others, contact Pastor Kendra to set up an alternate time to share!)
Meanwhile, people of all ages are welcome to enjoy some up-cycled arts and crafts with plastic bottles! Make one something to use at home and another item to share and encourage others in their efforts to care for God’s creation!