First Sunday of Christmas Worship-Via Zoom
God’s dreams are not for us alone. Simeon and Anna could not keep silent—they witnessed Jesus’ divine presence in the temple and were compelled to speak up. Like the prophet Isaiah, we will not keep silent and we will not rest until what has been sown will spring up as righteousness and peace in every nation (Is. 61:11-62:2).
Our guest preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Lis Valle-Ruiz, assistant professor of homiletics at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. All are welcome at 9:30am as we celebrate, in sacred words and songs, God’s dream for the world made new through the gift of the Christ Child!
Access worship virtually via Zoom (online or via phone) by following these directions.
Our Advent and Christmas worship theme is Those Who Dream, by Sanctified Art
There is also an “At Home” Liturgy available for those wanting a quiet morning with their household. Contact Officer Administrator Cathy Harter to receive a digital or print copy!