
Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Worship Via Zoom

As we plan for Maundy Thursday & Our Tenebrae Service (Zoom Worship, Thursday, April 9, 7:00pm):
  • Again, gather some communion elements for you and your family! Keep in mind, that Jesus just used the common bread and the common cup to invite the disciples to remember God’s great gifts, so don’t sweat it if you don’t have a nice loaf of bread or grape juice/wine. If you do, great! If you don’t, simply gather whatever is a common bread and common juice at your table.
  • If you want to extinguish candles at home (instead of just watching as Pastor Kendra extinguishes candles on Zoom), gather eight candles…any eight candles and something with which to light those candles (and if you want to be fancy and not blow candles out, but rather snuff them out, you can look for a snuffer…but blowing candles out is fine too!)


Apr 09 2020


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Fellowship Hall
Fellowship Hall