
Pentecost Party & Mortgage “Burning”

All are invited, Sunday, June 5, following worship (roughly 10:30am), as we celebrate that the mortgage on the church building has been paid in full! (In reality, we made the final mortgage payment in spring 2020, but we wanted to celebrate in-person. Thus the delayed celebration!)

We’ll have a banner, take some celebratory pictures, and then invite the young and young at heart to run through the banner (like people finishing a race). Afterwards, all will be invited to burn a piece of the banner celebrating that we have “burned the mortgage.”

We’ll also have “fire streamers” (red, yellow, and orange ribbons on a stick) to wave in celebration, provide “fire” (red, orange, and yellow) popsicles for all, and have various yard games out for some intergenerational fun!

As desired, plan to bring your own picnic lunch to extend the fun.


Jun 05 2022


10:30 am - 11:30 am