Staff, Deacon & Session Holiday Party
Oh come all ye Deacons, and Elders, and Staff (with your significant others, of course). Oh come all ye leaders of First Presbyterian Church. Come together in fellowship and joy.
Officers, staff, and significant others are invited to gather for a time of celebration of the year and of their service and leadership in our congregation. Contact the office if you need the RSVP link.
In the Presbyterian tradition, the leadership of the local church is shared by pastors, elders, and deacons.
The pastor provides primary leadership for worship and the sacraments and through the teaching of God’s word. The pastor also moderates the Session, or church board, which is made up of elders, who are called by God and elected by the congregation to guide the ministry of the church. The Session is called to follow Christ’s leading so that all may be nurtured in faith and faithfulness to God’s desires for the world. Elders lead various committees and ministries to support our efforts to share God’s love and grow in faith.
The deacons, also called by God and elected by the congregation, support the pastor in ministering to members who are ill, homebound, or in need. The deacons extend such care by various means including cards, visits, calls, meals, transportation, and special events.