Your contributions to the ministry and mission of First Presbyterian Church are important! Contributions made in gratitude to God support the congregation’s efforts to provide opportunities for all people to share God’s love and grow in faith.
Learn more about our ministries and impact by reading our stories!
We encourage all to give as they are able in any of the follow ways:
- Cash or check donations may be placed in the wooden financial gifts box in the main entry hall, mailed to the church office (1901 Vine St. Hudson, WI, 54016), or dropped off at the church at your convenience. To ensure cash donations can be included on your giving statements, place cash donations in a sealed envelope labeled with your name.
- Make a donation online using PayPal (click donate button on this page)
- Set up a recurring bank withdrawal, by completing this form and returning it to the church office with a voided check.
- Give stock or IRA distributions by providing your financial advisor with these detailed instructions for donating funds or transferring stock shares. Please also notify our Office Administrator so we know how you would like the contribution recorded on your giving statement.
- Give grants from a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). Work with your fund administrator to recommend grants be made to the church from your DAF.
We also encourage members and friends of the congregation to include First Presbyterian Church in your estate planning and are honored to receive memorial gifts celebrating the lives of the faithful saints who have gone before us into God’s eternal care. If you are interested in learning more about how we acknowledge and receive memorial gifts and bequests, please contact our pastor.
If you have any questions about your financial contributions, please contact our Office Administrator (715-386-2851 or send us a message).