Serving our
Family of Faith
We share God’s love and serve our family of faith to help one another grow in faith and in the abundant life God desires for all people.
Members and friends of the congregation serve one another by:
- running the audio system and/or projection system during worship and special events
- reading prayers and scripture in worship as a lay reader
- caring for young children in the nursery as needed
- singing in the choir, playing in the bell choir, or offering special music in worship
- sharing artistic talents to enhance our worship life
- preparing and distributing the bread and cup on communion Sundays
- providing meals for people experiencing health challenges and/or life transitions
- providing transportation to medical appointments
- visiting members and friends who are homebound
- hosting coffee and refreshments following worship
- sharing a Bible lesson and Bible-based activity with the children
- supporting teens exploring their faith as a mentor in our confirmation and/or youth ministry programs
- facilitating small groups
- maintaining the building and property (including regular maintenance, mowing, snow removal, etc.)
- participating in various committees and ministry teams
…and the list goes on.
Sign-up for current or ongoing opportunities to serve here.
Contact our pastor with questions about how you can offer your gifts in serve to others.