
I’m New

Welcome! We are strengthened and blessed by each person who chooses to participate in our community. You—and all people—are welcome and invited to participate in the life of the First Pres family of faith as you feel so moved.

We gather on Sundays at 9:30am for worship and at various times throughout the week to grow together in faith and share God’s love through ministries of learning, service, and caring.

If you are unsure what you might experience at First Pres, here are a few answers to common questions.         

Where do I come for Sunday worship?

We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the sanctuary and on Zoom.

If you come in person, when you come through the doors into the church building, the sanctuary is straight ahead, through the gathering area we call the narthex. Some enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation in our gathering area before worship. People usually start arriving in larger numbers around 9:20am. Typically worship lasts about one hour. After worship, all are welcome in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy conversation and community over coffee and refreshments.

If gathering on Zoom, gathering music starts about 9:25am (when we let people in from the Zoom “waiting room”). View details on how to join our worship services via Zoom. If you are on Zoom, we ask you to stay on mute (unless you are leading worship) so everyone can hear, and you are welcome to turn your video on or off as desired. Following worship, all on Zoom are welcome to stay as desired to chat with one another in a “Breakout Room.”

Where is the church?

Our address is 1901 Vine Street, Hudson, WI, 54016. We are located a few blocks east of Hudson High School and a few blocks west of the YMCA.

Parking and the main entrance are on the north side of the building. Our building is fully accessible with four designated accessible parking spots.

Are children welcome?

Children are MORE than welcome at First Presbyterian Church—they are included in everything we do. We love having children worship with their families and understand that sometimes they wiggle and sometimes they giggle. That’s how God created children! There are worship bags available to help keep small hands busy. During worship, children (and all who consider themselves “young disciples”—which is all of us when we are most truthful) are invited forward briefly for a special story led by a volunteer or member of the staff.

Our Library and Fireside Room are also available for family worship. These two rooms are adjacent to the sanctuary, separated from the main worship space by floor-to-ceiling windows, with sound piped in. You access these rooms from the narthex. The library has a number of children’s activities available on the shelf including puzzles, books, coloring sheets, and sometimes even Play-doh. The Fireside Room has comfortable chairs and couches which are favorites of nursing mothers. We also have a nursery for young children.

Are your building, worship, and events accessible and inclusive?

Yes! First Presbyterian Church is committed to accessibility and inclusion.

Our building is on one level and is fully accessible. We have four designated handicap parking spaces and accessible bathroom stalls in both the men’s and women’s bathrooms. We also have an all-gender (single stall and accessible) bathroom.

For worship, we offer hearing assist devices, large-print orders of service, and closed captioning on Zoom.

Please contact us with any questions or requests.

What should I wear?

Whatever makes you comfortable!  Church members and regular attendees show up in a wide range of clothes— from jeans or shorts and casual shirts to suits and other dress clothes. We have no dress code. If you averaged us all together, you’d probably get “smart casual,” but this is not an important area for us. We’re much more focused on worshiping God and serving others than the clothes that are worn in the process.

What kind of music will I hear?

In our worship services, you will hear and join in singing songs that range from the traditional hymn favorites of the last century to folk songs of faith to current Christian worship music of all styles. Songs are accompanied on the piano, organ, or other instruments according to musical style. Our vocal choir provides special music three out of four Sundays during the school year. Our bell choir generally offers special music once each month during the school year. In addition, various instrumental and vocal musicians provide special music, especially during the summer months.

What about sacraments? May I take communion at First Presbyterian Church?

As Presbyterians we recognize and celebrate the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper (also called communion or Eucharist). Baptisms are celebrated in the midst of our worship. We joyfully baptize those who wish to make a first-time public profession of faith in Jesus Christ and the children of those who profess faith in Jesus Christ. Talk to our pastor if you have questions about baptism.


The Lord’s Supper is served from a table that is open to all who wish to receive the gift of God’s grace through this simple meal. Ordinarily, we have communion on the first Sunday of the month, and sometimes on other special occasions. We use leavened bread and grape juice during this sacrament. Sometimes we pass trays with the bread and cup through the congregation while all remain seated. Other times, all are invited to come forward to receive the sacrament. Instructions about how the bread and cup will be distributed that day are given during worship.

How do I know what to do during worship?

In 2009, our congregation decided to go almost paperless in our worship service. The order of worship and any items for participation will be projected on the walls at the front of the sanctuary or via the screen sharing function of Zoom. This has allowed us to reduce paper waste as we seek to care for God’s beautiful creation. We always have large-print paper copies of the worship materials available for those who need them, so please ask an usher or greeter if you prefer this method of participation. If you are worshipping remotely via Zoom, check out our church homepage or our Facebook page where we post the order of service each Friday ahead of Sunday worship.

What about an offering? Do I have to give any money?

We have a time in worship where we encourage all to consider how we can offer our lives in gratitude to God for all God’s good gifts. We view this time as an invitation to participate in the work of God through the ministry of our church, but no one is required to give financially or otherwise.

At the same time if you would like to give something out of gratitude for God’s grace in your life, feel free. There is a wooden contributions box in our main entry hall or you can give online. Gifts of service and prayer are also always welcome!

May I ask for prayer?

Always! Most weeks our pastor includes a time of sharing before lifting up the prayers of the people. Anyone is welcome to share a joy or concern for which they would like to receive the prayers of the community. If this prayer time doesn’t happen, or if you prefer not to speak publicly, you can always fill out a prayer request card (found in the pew racks). Place this card in the prayer card basket and the ushers will see that it gets to the pastor. You may also contact the pastor directly to ask for prayer.

Will I have to introduce myself?

No. While our members and regular attendees love to keep an eye out for new folks and welcome them as best they can, no one will ever force you to stand up and introduce yourself. Instead, we encourage all guests and newcomers to complete a “Contact Us” card (available in the pew racks) and include an email or address so that we can reach out and answer any questions you may have about our family of faith.

How can I meet more people?

After worship we share conversation and community in Fellowship Hall, which is located down the hallway to the right after you pass back through the narthex. There is always coffee or a cold drink and most weeks there are treats for a snack.


There are opportunities for education and service throughout the year at various times. Check out the announcement bulletin, this website, and our social media (or ask a member or the pastor) for details of current or ongoing opportunities.

How does the congregation serve the community?

First Presbyterian Church is dedicated to sharing God’s love in our community. Members do that in a variety of ways, such as working at the food shelf, collecting and distributing food for the Hudson Backpack Program, growing food for neighbors in need in our garden, providing financial grants to people in need, hosting the St. Croix County’s Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) clinics, collecting goods for local shelters and children entering foster care, and sewing layettes for babies born in area hospitals. Learn more about our efforts to share God’s love through service.

What opportunities are there for exploring my faith?

First Presbyterian Church is also dedicated to growing in faith. We strive to provide opportunities for all to grow through worship, learning, service, and time spent in community. One of our core values is to provide intergenerational worship and learning, so many of our opportunities for spiritual growth happen with all ages present. But we also provide specific opportunities for children, youth, and adults to learn with their peers. We strive to make worship a time for all to grow, and also offer small group studies, speaker series, and age-appropriate Bible exploration/ Bible studies. Learn more about our efforts to grow in faith.

Who should I contact with additional questions?

Please call our church office (715-386-2851). Our office is open Mondays-Thursdays 8:30am – 2:30pm. Cathy Harter, our Office Administrator, will answer your questions and/or connect you to Pastor Kendra or another person who can answer your questions. Alternatively, you may send us a  message.

First Presbyterian

Sunday Schedule

  • Worship – 9:30 am
  • Coffee and Refreshments – 10:30 am

1901 Vine Street
Hudson, Wisconsin 54016

 (715) 386- 2851