Our Mission & Values
Mission Statement
First Presbyterian Church of Hudson, Wisconsin, is a Christian community dedicated to: sharing God’s love and growing in faith.
Core Values
First Presbyterian Church of Hudson, Wisconsin values:
Our community of faith is a big extended family who deeply cares for one another and for all of creation. Through prayer and presence, words and actions, welcome and friendship, we support one another as we navigate daily life, rejoicing with those who are rejoicing and weeping with those who are weeping. We see the natural world as God’s gift, and strive to care for the planet and all creatures through our individual and collective choices and actions.
God loves and yearns for communion with all of creation. People of all ethnic heritages, national origins, races, professions, socio-economic circumstances, ages, abilities, gender identities, and sexual orientations are included in the ministry of Christ. Therefore, we welcome all into the full life and leadership of our family of faith, as we seek to serve the God who loves and redeems us all.
Family spans the generations, and each generation has gifts to offer. Accordingly, we strive to learn from and be led by God’s children of all ages. We embrace the joyful wiggles, holy questions, Spirit-filled contributions, and honest reflections of all as we worship, learn, and serve together.

We all connect with God and sense the movement of God’s Spirit in different ways. Therefore, in a balanced manner, we strive to include creative and diverse elements in our worship and learning activities, including varied musical and artistic expressions.
Working with one another and other people and organizations in the wider community helps grow God’s dreams for all. We know we won’t always agree on everything, but we strive to be open, honest, and respectful at all times, as Christ taught, remembering that God speaks to each of us differently. We strive to communicate directly, listen actively to one another, keep open-minds and hearts, state our thoughts positively, focus on exploring the issues, and seek common ground for constructive solutions in our family of faith and in our communities.
Adopted by the Session January 22, 2019. Reaffirmed by the Session March 19, 2024.
Health Precautions
We are committed to the health and wellness of all people. We know each person’s needs are different, particularly during seasons of the year when respiratory illness are more prevalent. Thus, surgical and other medical masks are welcome anytime in the church building.
To protect the health and wellness of all in our community, particularly those who are most vulnerable due to age, being immunocompromised, etc., we urge everyone to follow basic health precautions, including:
- staying up to date on vaccinations and boosters,
- washing hands frequently,
- getting tested when feeling ill or when exposed to COVID-19 and other easily transmissible viruses,
- and staying home (and participating in the life of our family of faith remotely) when sick.